I received my B.S. degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the University of Guanajuato, Mexico in 2012, and the M.Sc. degree in Automatic Control from the University of Queretaro, Mexico in 2014. Finally, I received the Ph.D. degree in Automatic Control with the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico. My research interests include nonlinear, adaptive and time-delay control and their applications in underactuated systems, ground, aerial, and underwater vehicles.
Jesus Guerrero
36240 Juventino Rosas
Juventino Rosas, Guanajuato, MX
Jesus Guerrero's publons profile
Ph.D. in Automatic Control• March 2019
On my Ph.D, I proposed several robust control techniques aimed to solve the trajectory tracking problem for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV's). These techniques are based on High Order Sliding Mode Control Theory. Also, we have tested the proposed algorithms on the Leonard robot which was developed by the Laboratory of Robotics (LIRMM) of the University of Montpellier in France. Finally, during the last year of my Ph.D, I've published 5 papers on per-reviewed journals.
M.Sc. Degree in Automatic Control • December 2014
In my master thesis, we developed a modified robust version of the PD controller aimed to solve the trajectory tracking problem of a quadcopter prototype .
Engineering Degree in Electronics • June 2012
During this stage, I have a specialization in optoelectronics. We developed new fiber-based Temperature and Motion sensors. As a result of this project, we won several innovation contest in Mexico and we got a patent registration.
Professor-Researcher • August 2020 - Present
Researcher and Professor at the Mechatronic's department. Lecturer of the following topics: (a) Funadmentals of electromechanics, (b) Electromagnetic Theory (c) Differential Calculus, (d) Instrumentation, (e) Investigation Workshop.
Researcher • June 2020 - Present
Researcher at the project related to the bioreactor control. We are developing robust techniques to estimate the cell's growth into a bioreactor. Also, we proposed advanced controllers for several physical variables as temperature, oxygen, ligth, and so on.
Professor • May 2019 - August 2020
Lecturer of the following courses: (a) Automotive electronics, (b) Automotive electrical systems, (c) Sensors and Actuators, (d) Differential Equations (e) Fundamentals of electronics for Plastic Engineering, and (f) Multivariable Calculus.
Researcher Assistant • January 2018 - March 2019
Lecturer at the M.Sc on Automatic Control program. The topics of the given lectures were: (a) Modelling of Autonomous Underwater vehicles (AUV's) (b) Robust control for AUV's and (c) High Gain Observers. Also, as a part of my activities, we publised four original manuscripts in journals JCR.
Adaptive disturbance observer for trajectory tracking control of underwater vehicles• Ocean Engineering (2020)
Saturation based nonlinear PID control for underwater vehicles: Design, stability analysis and experiments• Mechatronics (2019)
Observation-Based Nonlinear Proportional–Derivative Control for Robust Trajectory Tracking for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles• IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering (2019)
Trajectory tracking for autonomous underwater vehicle: An adaptive approach• Ocean Engineering (2019)
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Robust Path Tracking: Generalized Super-Twisting Algorithm and Block Backstepping Controllers• CEAI Journal (2019)
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Robust Path Tracking: Auto-Adjustable Gain High Order Sliding Mode Controller• IFAC(2018)
Quadrotor Robust Path Tracking without Velocity Measurements Using The Generalized Supertwisting Control.• Revista Politecnica(2017)
An Architecture for Measuring Joint Angles Using a Long Period Fiber Grating-Based Sensor• Sensors (2014)
On the improvement of the Backstepping Controller: An Application on Autonomous Underwater Vehicles.• 9th International Mechatronics and Automation Engineering Conference(2020)
Adaptive Temperature Controller for Plastic Extrusion Process.• ECORFAN (2020)
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Robust Path Tracking:Auto-Adjustable Gain High Order Sliding Mode Controller.• IFAC (2018)
Quadrotor Robust Path Tracking without Velocity Measurements Using The Generalized Supertwisting Control.• CIIMA(2017)
Observer and parameter estimation for IWP: Comparison of a super-twisting algorithm and an adaptive method• CCE (2014)
Control de un pendulo de Furuta con lazo digital de corriente usando un microcontroladror PIC18F4431.• CONIMI (2013)
Sensor de temperatura con fibra optica mediante rejillas de periodo largo.• Congreso Participacion de la Mujer en la Ciencia (2011)
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Robust Path Tracking: Auto-Adjustable Gain High Order Sliding Mode Controller• IFAC(2018)
Sistema para la deteccion y reproduccion del movimiento de los dedos de la mano basado en fibra optica. No Patent: 343513 , 2016, Mexico
Learning Potential • Team Work • Organization • Flexibility • Professionalism • Responsibility • MultiTasking • Work Under Pressure
Sardine AUV was developed by the team of robotics in Brest.
Branding, IllustrationPlease, if you have a proposal to collaborate do not hesitate to contact me by mail: jguerrero@ctrl.cinvestav.mx